
Making pet parenting easy

How to keep your pet cool & clean with less water

Summer is an awesome time of year. However, it is important to pay close attention to our furiends as the temperatures rise this summer. After all, unlike us, they are surrounded with a hot, furry coat!

When the weather becomes extreme it is essential to take precautions to prevent your pet from overheating and dehydrating. Of course, we want to ensure that your pet has plenty of water and shade but, in the face of severe water restrictions in major cities, keeping our pets cool can be quite a challenge. It may be necessary to find waterless alternatives to keep our pets cool and clean.

We have put together a list of ideas to keep your pet cool this summer without wasting precious water.



1. Fruit as a water source

Watermelon comprises of 92% water and can be a great way to keep your pet hydrated. Just be sure to remove the seeds and rind first! There are a variety of other refreshing fruits with a high water content that are suitable for pets. Fruits such as: strawberries, blueberries, pineapples and apples are great options.

Top tip: Freeze pieces of fruit and place the frozen fruit in your pet’s water bowl. Not only will the frozen fruit keep your pet's water cold, but also tasty as the fruit will infuse into the water.


2. Use ice packs for cooling

A frozen ice pack wrapped in a towel is a great way to cool your pet down without the use of water. Be sure to place the ice pack against your pet’s abdomen, paws, and neck, as this is where all of the major blood vessels are located. Alternatively, let him lie on the ice pack.

Top tip: The condensation from the ice pack provides extra water for your pet to lick up.


3. Daily grooming

Your pet tends to shed a large amount of fur during hot seasons. It is therefore important that proper grooming, such as brushing your pet regularly, is top priority. Brushing will help your pet get rid of the excess hair, thus avoiding overheating. Pets with long and dense coats benefit from having their fur shaved or trimmed.

A brush such as the Furminator, is a great option for removing the undercoat and loose hair without cutting or damaging your pet’s skin. Click here for more grooming options.

Top tip: No one wants a stinky pet! However, with the water restrictions becoming tighter it is important to find waterless ways of bathing your pet. Products such as hygiene spraysdeodorantsface and ear wipes can go a long way in curbing the stench and keeping nasty germs at bay.

4. Avoid midday walks

Avoid strenuous activities in the heat of day, instead take your pet for walks during the early morning or evening. Pets with dark fur coats absorb more sunlight and tend to overheat more quickly. On the other hand, pets with lighter coats are more likely to get sunburnt. Use special petscreen to protect your furkid!

Top tip: The sun is at its peak between 11am - 4pm, so avoid exercising your pet during this time to prevent overheating. Use petscreen.


5. Change feeding times

Like most of us, pets often lose their appetites in the heat. Optimal feeding times should be early morning and in the evening, as the process of digestion can generate a lot of excess body heat.

Top tip: Generally, dry food requires that your pet drinks more water than if they eat wet food. Your pet should drink about 2.5 times the amount of dry food he/she eats. Have a look at our nutritious wet food options to save the extra water that your pet would consume on a dry food diet.


6. Use anti-spill water bowls

Avoid having precious water spill on the ground! Options such as an anti-skid bowl prevents spillage and a water dispenser will ensure that water is not evaporated.


Don’t let the heat and water restrictions spoil a fun summer with your pet. Try these tips to ensure that you and your pet have a cool but water-free summer!

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