
Making pet parenting easy

8 Things to Consider Before Giving Your Pets Treats

Pet treats can be a great asset if used correctly. However, before giving your dog or cat treats there are a few significant aspects to consider.

1.  Ingredients in treats:

As you put effort into ensuring that your pet’s food is complete, balanced and contains nutritional value the same care should be put into choosing their treats. If the treat has nutritional value you should be able to see the wording on the label. You can also determine the value or health of the treat by looking at the ingredients list. If the treats aren’t complete and balanced you shouldn’t let them become a significant part of your pets diet. The suggested amount of treats should only be about 10% of their calorie intake per day. This is because the treats dilute their daily nutrients gained from their general food. Treats with high amounts of sodium and salt aren’t very good for your pet, so keep an eye out for these products. If your pet starts to drink a lot of water then you know that what you are giving them is too salty and you need to change it.

2.  Treats that can help with health conditions or not:

In terms of your pets teeth their are certain treats that can help keep them healthy by preventing gingivitis and reducing tartar, but experts recommend that you consult with your vet first to ensure that you get the best treats for their teeth. There are certain foods that are designed to help and manage certain health conditions. You must ensure that if you pet is using a specific food, the treats you give them must follow the same dietary requirements. If your pet suffers from allergies, gastrointestinal reactions or those with server skin reactions to certain foods, experts say that treats must also be monitored in the same way that their food is. An allergic reaction can be caused by the smallest amount of the specific food your pet is allergic to, so make sure to look for hypoallergenic treats. Furthermore if your pet has a special diet or any kind of medical condition, you must check with you vet before giving them people food or any kind of treat as it may counter act the special diet food or aggravate their condition.

3.  What are “generic” and “natural” treats:

According to specialists “generic” makes reference to a formula food or a particular ingredient in a formula food that has been held and manufactured in compliance with the essential requirements of the National Organic Program (7CFR Part 205).  On the other hand “natural” means any ingredient or food that is obtained from animal, plant, unprocessed or exposed to physical, rendering, heat, extraction, purification, hydrolysis, fermentation or enzymolysis, but not exposed to a chemically artificial processes.

These definitions can be quite confusing, the best thing to do is make sure you read the label carefully and consult with you vet. The vet will help ensure that you are getting the right treat for your cat or dog, for example a treat that has lots of colouring, artificial flavoring and sodium in it, isn’t very healthy for your pet.

4.  Treats that are dangerous:

If a treat contains immoderate levels of fat or sodium it could be dangerous for your dog or cat. Furthermore ensure that you stay vigilant of product recalls and keep an eye on the news to ensure that you don’t buy any products that could harm your pet.

5.  Can you give your pet human food as treats:

People often make the mistake of giving their pet’s human foods that contain spices and fats that are unfamiliar to their pet’s stomach and intestines. Experts say that these heavy foods can cause serious conditions as well as swelling of the pancreas. Onions, grapes and garlic are foods you should never give your pets as they will cause harm and in some cases have even been deadly. Excerpts say that you should only ever give your pet’s very bland human food; similar to the food you would give a toddler. You should consult with you vet with regards to exactly what human food your pet can handle especially if they have a special diet or suffer from allergies.

6.  Can you give your pet to many treats:

One of the biggest mistakes pet owners make, is overfeeding their pets, which causes obesity. If you have a large family caring for your pets at different times of the day you can often loose track of how many treats they are being fed. Ask your vet how many treats your pet is allowed everyday. Then set aside the right amount and don’t give your pet anymore.

7.  The best ways to use treats:

Treats can be very handy especially for altering your pet’s behavior; like helping your pet over come its fears, learning new things and strengthening good behavior. You should be careful about the amount of treats you give your pet when rewarding them for a job well done or just simply altering their behavior. A good tip is to buy large treats, break them up and give them to your pet for the duration of the training session. This will stop them from trying to eat too much at one time and keep them engaged in the task at hand. Something to keep in mind is that a treat is not necessarily the lonely reward for your pet. A good substitute for treats is petting them or giving them verbal praise.

8.  What to avoid when using treats for training:

To ensure that your training session is successful you must make sure that the treats you are rewarding your pet with are of value to them. Try out different treats and see which ones your pets go crazy for, these will be the best treats to use in your training sessions. You need to ensure that you give them the treat straight after they have completed a task, as if you wait they wont be able to associate the treat with good behavior.

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