
Making pet parenting easy

Coping With the Loss of a Pet | 4 Steps

Our pets mean the world to us. They come into our lives at just the right moment and bring new meaning to life itself. They become part of our families, sometimes they are our only family, and there is no denying that they are always there to love us unconditionally - no strings attached.  It's never easy to think about the day that our pet reaches the fate from which there is no escape, but just as there are certain steps you can take to cope with the loss of a human family member or friend, there are also steps you can take to make it easier to move on after losing your best furry companion.

How to cope with loss


Coping with the loss of a pet


#1 Manage your mixed emotions

The first few days after losing your pet are a whirlwind of mixed emotions ranging from guilt, anger, denial or depression. Because there is such a sudden gap and empty space in your life and usual routine, you may feel confused, struggle to concentrate or feel disorientated. It is important to remember that this is normal and a natural part of the mourning process. Identifying and acknowledging your emotion is the first step towards dealing with it.

Anger: A strong feeling of rage and hostility aroused by the injustice of what happened to your pet

Denial: Refusing to admit to yourself the truth and reality of what has happened

Guilt: Felt particularly in cases of euthanasia. The feeling that you are responsible or that you could have done more for your pet

Depression:  A severe, long -term and continuous feeling of sadness that affects your lifestyle

#2 Succumb to your emotions Pet touch

Once you have identified and come to terms with what you are feeling, the next step is to succumb to it. We are all human and there is no correct way to feel and no right time for the sadness to go away. You may feel that no one around you understands what you are feeling, and this is okay - your emotions are unique to you. With that being said, find a close friend or family member that you can simply talk to. It could perhaps be somebody who has also lost a pet and can relate to the type of emotions that you are feeling.

You may also feel like being alone. Allow yourself time to do so but when you are ready, keep in mind that just the simple act of talking to a friendly face will provide an outlet for your emotions.

Biotree for Animals#3 Remember your pet

To find closure, create a legacy to celebrate the life of your furry friend. You could prepare a memorial or shrine in your garden, or sprinkle your pet's ashes over a special place while you remember how your pet contributed to your life. You could consider getting a Biotree for Animals which transforms your pet's ashes into a new, physical being in the form of a tree.

#4 Look after yourself

Do not be hard on yourself. Listen to your body, allow the mourning process to run its course and realise that it WILL get easier with time. Once you have dealt with the initial heartbreak, slowly start building new routines to fill the gap of what was once there. Stay active, get outside and ensure you get enough sleep. You could perhaps take up running after work,  get involved in a DIY project for your home, or join a social group like a book club. Stay focused on activities that you enjoy and you will soon start to feel the weight lift off your shoulders.











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