
Making pet parenting easy

Keeping your Grouch Cat Happy

Cat’s are wonderful and unique pets that only cat owners understand, most of the time. They are individuals that can have complicated personalities, strongly driven by instinct, and one can easily misinterpret them, if you don’t pay close attention.

One thing that makes these naturally solitary pets different, is the fact that cat’s are very susceptible to stress, so much so that it can even play a part in urinary tract problems such as feline idiopathic cystitis. Therefore one can clearly see the importance of trying to understand them in order to keep them as happy and healthy as possible.

Cat’s don’t always like other cats and unlike us, quite often they don’t need friends. They can however be social and are able to form relationships with their own kind, but they don’t always feel the need to.This is especially true if there is any sort of competition for resources, as this will most often lead to friction and stress. Siblings tend to get along well and form a strong bond. But this is not always the case when introducing a new cat into the family of a different age.

So when thinking about resources what are we referring to?

Basically put resources include things like food, water, space or territory, toileting areas, scratch posts and in many cases human’s attention.


Many cats don’t like sharing food bowls. For them feeding is a solitary activity that carries no social meaning. Each cat needs its own food bowl that ideally allows them to eat without the bowl touching their whiskers. For this reason bowls need to be wide and shallow. It is very important to clean the food bowl often. The placement of a food bowl is also important and it should never be in a busy area with a lot of traffic. Choose a quiet location, out of the way, so that your cat can eat in peace. Food bowls should ideally not be in the same room as the litter tray, but if this is not possible, a minimum distance of at least 2 meters is required.


Cats often have individual preferences for what they like to drink from and where they like to drink. Many prefer ceramic or glass rather than plastic bowls. Give your cat several bowls in different spots filled with clean, fresh water and take note of what they prefer. Many cat’s are however also fussy about the quality of their water. These cat’s will only drink running water from a tap. But of course this is not always possible. An alternative would be to get a water fountain and in this way you are providing running water as well as some environmental enrichment. Always remember that water bowls and fountains need to be cleaned often.

Toileting areas or litter trays

It is very important that your cat feels as comfortable as possible when needing to use the litter tray. They are very specific about their toileting habits and any negative experience can lead to stress and anxiety for them. A few toilet tips to consider regarding litter trays are listed below:

Always place the litter tray in a low traffic area, with some privacy. Away from the food and water bowls.

Number of litter trays
Ideally you need two litter trays for one cat and then each additional cat needs another one. They all need to be placed in different locations around the home.

The size of the litter tray is also important and should be at least 1.5 times the length of your cat. This allows your cat to comfortably dig, turn around and squat. Note that many cat litter trays are in fact too small and can cause stress for your pet.

Type of litter
Cat’s are substrate specific, which means that they have preferences for the type of cat litter you put in their litter tray. Examples of litter include wood pellets, fine sand, coarse sand and silicone crystals. It is important to find out what your cat prefers, as some cat’s would rather urinate in a strange location (such as in dirty washing) than use the wrong cat litter. They often don’t like the sensation of the litter on their feet. Remember to fill the tray to a depth of at least 6 cm.

Cleaning routine
Clean the litter tray daily by removing all waste out using a small scoop. Replace all the litter weekly and wash out the tray. Basically the cleaner the cat litter, the better.

Space and relaxing

Cat’s love sleeping and need places that are safe, comfortable and secure for them to retreat and hide. It is often a good idea to provide a few such places around your home by using things like cat beds, igloos, cardboard boxes or even an open cat carrier. Again the location is important, and creating a retreat at a height is always much appreciated by your cat. Remember to provide clean soft warm bedding too!

Scratching posts

Cat’s need to scratch as it helps them mark their scent, which keeps them happy, as well as keeps their claws healthy. Providing scratching posts or trees with varied surfaces and levels, will help keep your cat happy and there is less chance that they will scratch your furniture. They are happiest when they are allowed to practice their instinctive need to hunt. Along with scratching posts one should also provide your cat with natural looking toys which allows your cat to pounce the ‘prey’. Variety is often the key, keep their environment exciting and stimulating!

Vet trips

Vet trips are essential for the well being and health of all cats, however sometimes it doesn’t always feel that way because most cat’s absolutely hate car rides followed by a vet visit. The whole experience can be terrifying for them and for this reason they run and hide every time the cat carrier comes out. So what can one do to decrease this anxiety and stress? Leave your cat carrier out all the time so that your cat doesn’t associate it only with a car trip and vet visit. Ideally let your cat use it’s carrier as a daybed, a safe place to retreat into. Always make the cat carrier as comfortable as possible by using soft bedding and things like pheromone sprays and catnip. Play classical music in the car. For routine health care, ideally choose a day to visit the veterinarian that isn’t too busy, such as a weekday rather than a busy weekend.

Activities that involve you, such as grooming

Spend quality time with your cat, but allow her to tell you when she wants attention and when it is enough. A good habit to teach your cat is to be groomed as it allows you to gently examine your pet on a daily basis, it decreases the amount of hair your cat needs to groom which prevents hairballs, and allows you to spend quality time with your pet. Most cat’s find grooming, if done correctly, very relaxing and enjoyable which improves the bond between you and your cat.

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